Tuesday, September 27, 2011


God really placed Esther and Mordecai in unique positions to aid the Jews. I’m sure that if Esther had not had enough courage to approach the king, God would have found someone else, but God gave Esther great courage and her people supported her through prayer and fasting. Esther could have been punished by death for approaching the king unasked, but God was with her and through the good will of the king, he extended his scepter and Ester was both given life and the life of her people, the Jews, which Haman sought to take away.

Moon Shot

When reading about Apollo 13 from the perspective of Moon Shot, no one can forget to connect it to the well known movie Apollo 13 along with its accompanying documentary. While the focus of the movie may have been the problems with the air filters, Moon Shot focuses more on the problems in determining how they would make their trip home and how to keep the environment inside Odyssey and Aquarius livable. Their path home was actually a hybrid free return trajectory, which meant that the astronauts would harness the moon’s gravitational force but at the same time have to make an engine burn. Also, the spewing oxygen from the command module caused the craft to be positioned slightly off the proper trajectory. Therefore, corrective burns had to be made to return the ship to its trajectory. I was amused to hear that as they entered the Earth’s gravitational pull, “suddenly, it rained inside the command module.” This served only to emphasize how much frozen moisture build-up happened within the space craft. All the work of everyone in NASA served to make the “mission…a successful failure.”

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