Thursday, October 20, 2011

I finally got to the end of the definitions of words that may be on the SAT. Many of them I had already learned in etymology class. That was over six hundred words. Wow! I do find that I actually use quite a few of those words in my daily routine. I never knew that there were so many complicated words.

The writers of Up Your Score: The Underground Guide to the SAT sure know how to make the vocabulary words applicable. They use many pop-culture references, a plethora of puns, and catchy sentences to grab the reader’s attention. The writing style is a unique mix of high class words and everyday slang. I am surprised that I find a book about the SAT so interesting, but it grabs my attention.

This book includes interesting sections such as how to sneak food into the SAT and how to fill in the fill-in-the-blank bubbles faster. With the impending SAT, I am eager for every opportunity to make my test taking skills more streamlined. I had never heard of a book called Ten Real SATs until I began reading this book. I think that I will go to student services at my school and look up these practice tests.

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