Friday, October 7, 2011

Last night as I was reading, there was a power outage. The sun went down, and then all the light I had to read by was one candle. I now know how difficult it was to read into the night in Abraham Lincoln’s day.

I read 60 pages in Moon Shot, 17 pages in The Right Stuff, and 23 pages in Overcoming Anxiety.

Quotes of the Week

All quotes this week are taken from Moon Shot by Shepard, Slayton, Benedict, and Barbee.

  1. “‘…life in this universe was not just an accident based on random provesses…Clearly…the universe has meaning and direction.’”
-Ed Mitchell
  1. “There’s something wooly and wild about a lanky American speaking Russian with a distinct Oklahoma twang.”
  2. “That Russian talk was godawful tough.”

  1. The men who went to the moon clearly saw evidence of God or some intelligent creator at work. The was Mitchell captured this was so amazing. Our beautiful Earth is so fragile.
  2. Accents are hard to acquire and hard to get rid of. The Oklahoma twang made Alexi Leonov cringe. Still, this provided a unique characteristic about Deke Slayton’s speech.
  3. Russian is a hard language to learn after being accustomed to English. There is a whole new language. Not all the letters are easily pronounceable by English speakers. There is something in the brain, as well, that makes it even tougher to learn a new language the older you are. Deke Slayton had some tough learning to do.

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